Pursuant to Art. 11, par. 2 and par. 3 of the Statute of NOCA and the decision of the Board of Directors of the organisation and on the initiative of the latter, we invite you to a meeting of the General Assembly of Members of NOCA, which will be held in person on 27 March 2025 at 16:00 at the address of the association in the city of Sofia, 1336, Andrey Germanov Street, No. 11, with the following agenda:
1. Adoption of the report of the Board on the activities of NOCA for the year 2024.
2. Discharge of the President and the members of the Board of Directors for their activities in 2024.
3. Amendments to the NOCA Statutes.
4. Dismissal of members and election of a new NOCA Board.
5. Dismissal of the President and election of a new NOCA President.
6. To approve the NOCA budget for 2025.
7. Other business